OSHA 30 hour training for general industry helps foremen, supervisors, managers, safety staff, safety committee members, and others with responsibility for workplace safety learn about the basic health and safety regulations affecting their workplace. The OSHA 30 hour general industry training course also provides students with an overview of how the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) functions.
The OSHA 30 hour training course for general industry is based on the OSHA 1910 general industry standards, and each student will receive their own copy of these regulations as part of their 30-hour course materials. This OSHA 30 training general industry training course is intended for operations such as factories and most manufacturing sites, warehousing, healthcare, and most service industries.
The OSHA 30 hour training course in general industry standards was created by OSHA, who has authorized OSHA Outreach trainers to conduct this 30-hour training class for a group of students. The OSHA 30 training courses are presented in a classroom setting (spread over four consecutive days), or individual trainees can take an online OSHA 30 hour training course.
When a student successfully completes an OSHA 30 hour general industry training course, they will receive the official OSHA 30 hour general industry training wallet card. These cards are accepted in all 50 states.
The following topics are mandatory for the OSHA 30 hour general industry training course, and take about 15 hours to cover: Introduction to OSHA Managing Safety and Health Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans, Fire Prevention and Protection Electrical Materials Handling Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Communication (msds's . . .) Walking and Working Surfaces The rest of the OSHA 30 hour general industry training course can be spent on the following optional topics:
Hazardous Materials ◦ Compressed Gases
◦ Dipping and Coating Operations
◦ Flammable and Combustible Liquids ◦ Spray Finishing
Bloodborne Pathogens Ergonomics Fall Protection Industrial Noise / Hearing Protection Introduction to Industrial Hygiene Lockout / Tagout Machinery Guarding Permit-required Confined Space Entry Powered Industrial Trucks (forklifts . . .) Respiratory Protection Programs Safety and Health Programs Welding, Cutting and Brazing
Have an OSHA 30 hour general industry training course taught at your location by one of the OSHA Training Professionals from the OSHA Training Services network of OSHA authorized Outreach trainers.